Hello world!

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4 antwoord op “Hello world!”

    • DeWegVanJesusChristus Trommelen
      DeWegVanJesusChristus Trommelen

      Thanks for your comment. In this way we hope to reach people who have never heard about the love of God our Father and His grace. This is the reason people stay away from the Word, Jesus Christ. We want everyone to hear and learn about this love and grace so that people can go back to an evangelical church or church community.

      I couldn’t respond earlier due to illness. Sorry

    • DeWegVanJesusChristus Trommelen
      DeWegVanJesusChristus Trommelen

      Thanks for your comment. In this way we hope to reach people who have never heard about the love of God our Father and His grace. This is the reason people stay away from the Word, Jesus Christ. We want everyone to hear and learn about this love and grace so that people can go back to an evangelical church or church community.

      I couldn’t respond earlier due to illness. Sorry

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